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Financial Supporters

Special thanks to our financial supporters!

Dream It Do It, powered by BNMA and MAST, is made possible through the generous support of our financial partners. A special thank you to our major funders for their commitment to shaping the future of manufacturing.

Private Supporters

Public Supporters

*DIDIWNY initiative is funded with $120,000 in federal money, which represents 22% of the overall DIDIWNY budget, 78% of DIDIWNY is funded my non-federal government resources.

Philanthropic Supporters

*DIDIWNY initiative is funded with $120,000 in federal money, which represents 22% of the overall DIDIWNY budget, 78% of DIDIWNY is funded my non-federal government resources.

Supporting and growing our manufacturing sector will be achieved through private, public and educational partnerships such as Dream It Do It. We are all in this together and you can be part of the solution. By partnering with Dream It Do It, you have the opportunity to introduce your students to excellent career opportunities in the manufacturing sector. There are educational pathways available right here in the region that can help your students access affordable, high-quality education that leads directly to career.